English 中文
Entrant Number:
Entries Number:


Official E-mail:
Please contact me if you have any questions. (English)Email : CIDPAE2023@126.com

Color Section

Title:《old wharf under sunshine on red beach》 No.A00758
Title:《碧波万顷荡轻舟 A light boat in boundless water》 No.A00381
Title:《温馨家园 Warm Home》 No.A00514
Title:《Fusion》 No.A00034
Title:《The Turn of Cold and Warm》 No.A00479
Title:《》 No.A00189
Title:《民族团结共欢舞 Dancing of Unity》 No.A00420
Title:《转经 Pilgrimage》 No.A00873
Title:《进门 Entering》 No.A00273
Title:《《街头舞者-Street Performer》》 No.A00696
Title:《烟雨南湖4 South Lake in misty rain 4》 No.A00786
Title:《握手自然 Shake hands with nature》 No.A00519
Title:《挖土豆的人》 No.A00078
Title:《上台前的准备 Preparation before stage》 No.A00398
Title:《On a rough sea day》 No.A00205
Title:《嵊泗列岛,2023 Shengsi Islands of 2023》 No.A00214
Title:《wedding day》 No.A00859
Title:《斑马线 Zebra crossing》 No.A00803

Monochrome Section

Title:《Dotbox》 No.B00285
Title:《母亲的爱 Maternal love》 No.B00198
Title:《斗牛圆舞曲 Waltz of Bullfight》 No.B00491
Title:《塔吉克少女》 No.B00345
Title:《等待 Waiting》 No.B00486
Title:《Tulip Staircase》 No.B00064
Title:《混凝土浇筑 Pouring of concrete》 No.B00339
Title:《古韵5》 No.B00059
Title:《Fabio Donato - A photographer's adventure》 No.B00241
Title:《街乐 Street fun》 No.B00222
Title:《Concrete》 No.B00284
Title:《《海湾一角》--2023、9、9》 No.B00117
Title:《河曲马之悦 Hequ Horse》 No.B00156
Title:《Say goodbye to the past》 No.B00421
Title:《孔雀开屏》 No.B00482
Title:《孔雀东南飞 The peacock flies to the southeast》 No.B00479
Title:《兴安岭乐园 Xinganling paradise》 No.B00192
Title:《Waterfall of Changbai Mountain》 No.B00213

Exhibition Review